Film Studies Blog Post 11 : Final Costume and make-up

Final Costume and make-up 

To achieve the natural, abstract and simplistic tone for my Short, i've planned and considered using a wide range of costume and make ups designs. However after long consideration, i decided that minimal make up will best suit the scenes and actors, with this not being a main or important feature of my film. Along with the costumes of my characters i also plan to use authentic, orginal and distinctive designs to best suit the time period and location also.

Costume List:

-Male Actors: Suit trousers, suit blazer, coats, jeans, sweatshirt, suit shoes, trainers

- Female Actors: Trousers, sweatshirt, blazer, top, cardigan, jeans, loafers

These costumes and clothes, I feel will best suit and match the main setting and location of my film, the school. With the lighter toned colour of the material and clothing creating a simplistic, grounded colour scheme and palet on screen. As the drama genre of the film focusing conventional more on the action, journey and development of characters, with realism and naturalism playing a big role. Along with the dramatic, suspenseful and intense storyline allowing audiences to connect, bond and become more emotionally attached and apart of the narrative. When it comes to possibly representing and portraying a character's emotions or personalities through costume. I feel and am considering using a subtle combination of both props and costumes to show this, for example in pathway sequence during which, Will Rodgers bumps into the pedestrian using props such as headphones, books and bag could show that the person is in a rush and eager to go somewhere. With further mise-en-scene elements such as facial expressions and movements further backing this up.As costume is further an element and aspect of the film which can allow audiences to encode or decode certain situations, feeling, emotions or possible/future events. With the use of costume and props in the form the suit and bag that both Ollie and Will are wearing on there way to school. Acting as a visual representation and hint to the audience, that they might be on there way to either school or work, even before any dialogue is spoken. Further immersing the spectators in the world and story i'm trying to tell.
